Understanding Ecosystem Services and Carbon Markets- Session 3

August 23rd 8:30 am PT

Hosted by Abbey Smith & Dr. Paul Zorner. Featuring panelists Dr. Sina McCullough, Megan Machmuller, Jenni and Will Harris.

In this third session we will be providing greater detail and specific examples of ranching and pasture management. The focus will be on practices that amplify soil carbon, as well as outlining emerging technology and protocols needed to measure and validate soil carbon and the associated credits.  We will also address how to best tell these positive stories to a larger audience. We will learn from our panelists how they are working to educate consumers on the positive benefits of these practices on the food they eat and the communities in which they live.

This webinar series is organized to clarify:

  • How pasture and rangeland managers can participate in, and economically benefit from emerging carbon and environmental marketplaces.

  • Why are organizations buying credits, and what do they want to see from the process that creates them?

  • What impact do regenerative pasture and rangeland management practices have on consumer purchasing decisions, and how do we best communicate and build trust with consumers?


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