How to Talk About Regenerative Agriculture Without Confusing Everyone
How to Talk About Regenerative Agriculture Without Confusing Everyone
Hosted by Mandy Magill and Abbey Smith
Sometimes it is really hard to talk about Regenerative Agriculture. What is it exactly? Where do you start? Is it with soil health? The importance of ruminants? The connection of soil to plants to animals to nutrient dense food and ultimately human health? It is no small topic. I've seen Spencer, myself and others deeply involved in this work at a loss for words when asked seemingly simple questions about our work.Mandy Magill spent years studying and piecing together the story of regenerative agriculture. She's been testing out her story on groups of urban folks during dinner parties and coffee breaks. It is energizing, easy to understand and effortless. She's really on to something!In this webinar, she'll help producers, farmers, ranchers and all regenerative agricultural enthusiasts speak with ease about our work to others who are not familiar with it. Please join us! [button1 size="small" width="standard" link="" animate="none" color="default" color_custom="off" color_text="#ffffff" color_text_hover="#ffffff" color_bg="#ffffff" color_bg_hover="#ffffff" border_radius="0"] WATCH THE REPLAY [/button1]
Learn About the Hosts
Mandy Magill is the founder of Tribe Green Rising and is committed to providing awareness of and access to Regenerative local foods, products, and services. With a background in Sociology and Environmental Affairs, she passionately educates on the cultivation of a Regenerative Mindset utilizing the concepts of Regenerative Agriculture and Holistic Management. The Regenerative Mindset empowers people to think holistically, like an ecosystem; therefore, mimicking the intrinsic balance of nature. It provides the galvanizing force behind creating collaborative commUNITY as we collectively work towards a Regenerative Future.
Abbey Smith serves as the Savory Global Network Coordinator. She is also owner and operator of the Jefferson Center for Holistic Management with her husband, Spencer. The Jefferson Center is an organic cattle ranch and Savory Network Hub in Fort Bidwell, California.She spent two months in South Africa living with families on holistically managed cattle farms after graduating magna cum laude from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo with a degree in animal science and a focus in communications and ethnic studies. She attended graduate school at the University of Nevada, Reno where she received a master’s degree in interactive journalism. At UNR, she wrote a business plan for an online business to connect consumers and producers of local food. Through the competition, Abbey met her former employer of nine years and was recruited into the online/digital business world. During the last nine years she rose to a position of leadership within the company, Swift Communications, and was involved in many new ventures. She loves to work in in fast-paced, team environments working on projects in emerging markets. Before graduate school, she served as the director of a non-profit organization for natural resource conservation called The River Center in Modoc County, California. This position taught her how to manage a budget and bring groups of people together, often times with conflicting viewpoints, in order to find common ground.She grew up on a commercial cattle ranch in Indian Valley, in Plumas County, California. Her loving, large, loud family has lived in the valley for seven generations. Family is a source of joy to her. Her goal in life is to build a beautiful world for her daughter, Maezy, which is why she and Spencer are working to advance Holistic Management.Living in the rural community of Surprise Valley, California and being involved in a global organization is a dream come true. Abbey serves on the Surprise Valley Education Foundation board and is involved in local food groups. She enjoys doing yoga, throwing kettlebells around, gardening, riding horses and hiking with her daughter. Her happiest moments are on the ranch with her family. She loves running and runs alone, except when in Africa.
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