Holistic Management Webinars with the Jefferson Center and Regenerative Ag Friends
Jefferson Center webinar series
We are starting a monthly webinar series! We never have enough time to chat with all our friends at conferences, workshops and other events. There are so many questions to answer and topics to discuss regarding Holistic Management, the Savory Institute, regenerative agriculture, etc. The fourth Tuesday of each month at 5 pm Pacific Time, we will host a webinar. This is a place where people can join via telephone, virtual meeting, or both and connect with us and others in the Holistic Management and regenerative agriculture community.
- The format of the webinar is a discussion of a current popular topic or critical concept related to Holistic Management and regenerative agriculture.
- Register for the webinar series by clicking on the button below. We will then send you call in/login information and a calendar appointment.
[button1 size="small" width="standard" link="https://goo.gl/forms/3VblsU1jENq1Zqv72" icon="briefcase" animate="none" color="default" color_custom="off" color_text="#ffffff" color_text_hover="#ffffff" color_bg="#ffffff" color_bg_hover="#ffffff" border_radius="0"] Register for the webinar series [/button1]
February 28, 2017 Webinar Recording
The first Jefferson Center webinar was a lot of fun! Spencer provided a presentation on the foundational concepts of Holistic Management and a detailed conversation followed the presentation. Check out the recording.
March 28, 2017 Webinar Recording
The focus of this call was the tool of animal impact and the related technique of mob grazing. We discussed when this tool is helpful and beneficial and when it can harm the health of the ecosystem. Check out the recording.
Other ways to learn
The Jefferson Center is the Savory Global Network hub serving Nevada and Northern California. Holistic institutes are becoming more popular as shifts toward whole systems thinking occur. We offer Holistic Management training, consulting and implementation support. Please check out our annual events calendar for opportunities to learn. If you want to experience holistically managed land (it is different and amazing!) in other parts of the world, we can help you connect to other hubs in the world.
Contact Us
Contact us to learn more about how we can work together on events, trainings and other engagement opportunities that fuel the regenerative agriculture movement.[button1 size="small" width="standard" link="http://jeffersonhub.com/contact-us/" icon="arrows" animate="none" color="default" color_custom="off" color_text="#ffffff" color_text_hover="#ffffff" color_bg="#ffffff" color_bg_hover="#ffffff" border_radius="0"] Contact Us [/button1]